As individuals or as a group, between the four of us, we are proud to be the holders of the following Barbershop awards ...
Puttin' on the Blitz!
Winner of "Most Entertaining Performance" 2022 (Southend Musical Festival - The Thornton Family Trophy)
1st place Quartet - Southend Musical Festival 2022 (Gold Medal)
1st place Quartet - Chelmsford Competitive Festival 2022 - (The Ongar Trophy)
1st place Quartet - Leigh Musical Festival 2019 - (The Barbershop Shield)
Winner of "Best Musical Performer" 2014 (National Vintage Awards)
1st place Quartet - Leigh Musical Festival 2014 (Gold Medal)
1st place Quartet - Southend Music Festival 2012 (Gold Medal)
1st place Quartet - Southend Musical Festival 2010 (Gold Medal
Individual Awards
2nd place British Mixed Quartet 2015 (Silver Medal)
1st Place SABS - Spanish International Quartet Champion 2015 (Gold Medal)
1st Place IABS - Irish Mixed Quartet Champion 2014 (Gold Medal)
3rd place Female Quartet 2013 (Bronze Medal)
1st place Sweet Adelines Champion Chorus 2012 (Gold Medal)
3rd place British Mixed Quartet 2012 (Bronze Medal)
2nd place International Chorus IABS - Irish convention 2011 (Silver Medal)
1st place British Chorus 2006 (Gold Medal)
1st place European Chorus 2005 (Gold Medal)